A simple foot massage for warm-up
Sit down at the end of the bed, and take one of her feet in your lap. Gently massage it from ankle to toe using both of your hands. Then massage every toe separately, not too hard, paying special attention to the middle toe which has a direct nerve connection to the genitals. It is very relaxing and also stimulating.
There are many nerve endings and meridians running down on the sole of the foot that affect hormonal flow, heart rate, blood pressure. Stimulating them prepares her for a long and hot evening to come. Even if you are not a professional at it, she will appreciate the attempt and try something new, wild and hot just to thank you.
Using your tongue on her underbelly
Start running your tongue around her bellybutton, then give a slow, sensual lick to her underbelly straight down to the top of her genital area, then up again, across that sensitive smooth belly, making her shiver in pleasure. Then run your tongue all around the "target area", lick her hips, her upper and inner thighs, her stomach - and then treat her belly with your tongue again.
Repeat slowly till you get some acrobatic moves as a response. These are very sensitive areas and their stimulation encourages blood flow to the genitals, and this is what you want. Anytime you use your tongue for something else than just going straight for her cavities, she is going to thank you for it in special ways...

Swat her butt
Did you know, that her sweet round backside is so rich with nerve endings? Touching it soft or stimulating it a little harder during intercourse will get her even more hot.
You can also use your tongue on her butt and make her wiggle in pleasure, you can even give it a bite, stroke it soft, bury your nails in it - and occasionally swat it, causing a surprise and a sense of alfa-male control - it can be all very exciting for her!
So, just slap that nice rounding once in a while and who knows what you'll get in return.
Kiss her eyelids
Close her eyes by delicately kissing the eyelids, let her enjoy this special sensation. The skin of the eyelids is very thin, the nerves are almost at the surface, so you can imagine that it is quite sensitive. So be very gentle, and it will also increase her trust toward you.
It's a pleasant surprise for her when you do something totally new or unexpected, instead of the usual kissing - nipples - boobs - butt - licking, etc.
Stimulate the most sensitive areas of skin
The skin that rarely sees sun is extra sensitive. Begin by gently kissing the backs of her knees, or her neck or the underside of her upper arm. Kiss and lick, lightly first, then build up the pressure, till you kiss it very hard. You might even bite a little if she likes it - it might be hard for her to stand it first, as these areas likely to tickle - but if you do it gradually she will take a lot more.
Every square inch of skin contains more than 1,000 nerve endings. So make sure you don't ignore any inch of her. Giving a luxury treat to such sensitive skin areas once in a while makes her a happy, lusty woman - ready to give you all she has got.
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