Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Another post for Cyril Locsin!

This girl Cyril Locsin is slowly getting my full attention, so I'll post another one for her :)

 More after the jump! Credits to the owner of the watermarked images.

Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Kristine Santamena, moundful of a babe

I don't always encounter this babe's name around, so I decided to post her here and give her the love she deserves from us. And here guys I present to you Kristine Santamena

 More after the jump break.

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Jinri Park, hot radio DJ

Jinri Park, born Korean, Filipino by heart, but my heart melts on the sight of her curves.

Oh what a lucky watermelon, much hotter images after the jump! Kudos to the uploader of watermarked images!

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Nathalie Hayashi's artistic shot

Well, I really hoped this time that the photos are watermarked, so I would thank the photographer/s. These shots of Nathalie Hayashi were really good to say perfect. So, enough of my ranting here's the photos!

The other photos after the jump!

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Danica Torres, not you ordinary dream girl

The girl of my dreams, Danica Torres. Well, I know it's not just me who dreams her to be their girlfriend.

Credits to the photographer! Thanks

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Unknown Chick, give us a shower room show

Just saw in the interwebs and said to myself, this should definitely be here in Horista.

Want to see more skin? Read after the jump break!

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Janarah Fox, foxy babe

Admit it guys, you all love girls who shows their papayas. So here is Janarah Fox showing us hers.

The papayas after the jump, Cheers

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Cyril Locsin poses like she's ready for it.

Like I said on the title Cyril Locsin's shots here really looks like she ready for it, (if you know what I mean). On this post Cyril shows us what she really have, hopefully she shows more next time.


Jump right in to see the boobies!
And she also is a Premiere Vixen too, vote for her by going to this link and liking it.
again, kudos/credits/thanks to FHM 100% hottie for the pictures!